One way you can promote the pets you have available for adoption is to use national days such as National Pet Day happening on April 11. National days are fun and easy ways to generate content for your social media platforms.
You can find national days in several places including NationalDayCalendar.com and NationalToday.com which provide information about all kinds of “holidays” including those aimed specifically at pets.
The holiday coming up on April 11 is National Pet Day. This would be a great opportunity for your shelter or rescue to promote animals available for adoption. For example, a Facebook post could include a photo of an available pet with text such as, “Today is National Pet Day! Those of us with pets can use today as a reason to provide extra love and attention to our furry friends. If you don’t have a pet, today is a great day to adopt and celebrate your new family member! Visit our website to see available pets!”
Other Relevant National Pet Days
Other upcoming holidays in April include National Lost Dog Awareness Day (April 23), National Pet Parents Day (April 24), National Kids and Pets Day (April 28) and National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day (April 30). These days are a great way to plan out your social media content and even pitch news stories to the media. Most of these types of holidays occur annually around the same day so planning for your marketing efforts is easy to do.
PetBridge was developed by Baseline Creative, a full-service marketing agency. Baseline Creative works with many nonprofits including shelters and rescues on marketing and can help your organization create strategies to promote pets and save animal lives. You can contact Baseline Creative by phone at 316-260-5294 or through their website if you’d like help developing your marketing strategies for pet adoption, fundraising campaigns, and more.