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Creating the Best Pet Profile

Dog typing on a laptop

With so many pets up for adoption, shelters are expected to write compelling stories for each available pet. Choosing the right content to highlight pets is imperative as it influences adoption rates. Writing a great pet profile is the first step in attracting potential adopters to your shelter animals.

A Great Pet Profile is Powerful

Think of a pet profile you’ve seen on a shelter website or social media. Think of why that stood out to you. Likely, it’s the language that caught your interest, whether it’s humorous, engaging, or witty.

The most important part of crafting a pet profile is to evoke emotions in potential adopters.

Writing a standout pet profile can be challenging. We’re here to share our top tips to help inspire and spark creativity for the best write up for your shelter pets!

How to Write an Engaging Profile

  1. Spend time getting to know the pet. Are they bubbly, attached, or go-with-the-flow? Do they love to be a cuddle-bug or are they independent? Getting one-on-one time with the pet will help you formulate descriptors to convey an accurate and honest profile. Check out this list of dog descriptors to inspire engaging profile content with colorful language.
  2. Know your audience. It’s easy to get lost in the sauce by focusing on the pet. Don’t forget that you’re showcasing the pet to potential adopters, so be sure to include how the pet fits into the adopter’s lifestyle.
  3. Let the creative writing flow. Don’t be afraid to have a little fun with the content. Be light-hearted and think about what you would want to see as a potential adopter.

We hope you’ll use this blog as a resource when you’re building pet profiles for your shelter. If you’re searching for help with marketing efforts for your organization, we can help! Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of our animal shelter software.


Author PetBridge

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